For those that do not know, Desiree and I follow the IHOP [International House of prayer] in Kansas City. We believe that IHOP has a lot of strengths where most churches are week. This group is honoring God by giving him 24 7 worship and pray in a harp and bowl style, like the book of Revelation mentions. I think that it is right on to follow and learn from the upper rooms that were mentioned in the Bible. Check it out at They have a free live video cast of their 24 7 prayer room.
Desiree and I heard from IHOP that they are in relation with a pastor/missionary in Egypt. Egypt has a large Muslim community, and it is illegal to preach about Christ. This pastor was not worried and was preaching about what he loved, Christ. His people and he were being thrown into prison. This has been going on for a while, and this Christian group just thought that they were suffering for the name of Christ. One day this pastor/leader of this group had received a vision from the LORD, and the LORD told the pastor to stop doing this to his people. It is not their job to suffer for Christ's name for Christ already did the suffering. The LORD told the pastor to start an upper room, and to start praying and interceding for these people. This pastor did some research on the upper room and started harp and bowl prayer, worship, and intercession. Nothing happened for the longest time, but after a while of crying out to the LORD to have Him come and show Himself to the Muslim community, He did exactly that. The Muslims started to have dreams and visions about Christ, and God started to do things, and the LORD was given the glory for these people starting a relationship with Christ.
The questions I find myself asking, Do Christians have the wrong idea for evangelizing? Why have Christians not given the upper room much thought before? Is it not awesome that we cannot take the credit if someone comes to Christ because He came to that person in a way that we humans cannot?
My challenge to all and especially to Churches is to START AN UPPER ROOM. We need to start to intercede for people. Prayer is so powerful. We need to be crying out to the LORD for our cities, country, and the world as a whole.
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