That weekend we also helped Desiree's brother Josh put together his new mother-in-law home. On Friday Night I helped with moving ladders while my father-in-law and Josh painted. On Saturday I assisted Josh with putting together the automated garage door opener. That was one of the easiest, but most difficult thing that I have ever done. It was very nice to be with Josh and working together on something. I felt liek we were a pretty good team. Desiree helped Kristen watch the kids, if I heard right, it allowed Kristen to take a nap. It was so good to be able to help the people that we love. Hoping that we were able to take just even a bit of stress, and difficult living off of the shoulders of Josh and Kristen. We love you guys.
Saturday night we heard that the balloon festival was having what they called a Balloon Glow. The balloons were all set up, and they would blow their lit gas up into their balloons to make them glow. We decided to go and Briana and Peter, Desiree's sister, and my facebook friend, came with us. It was pretty neat, but I had set in my mind that it was going to be a little different. There was just so many people that it was hard to relax while we were there. We were there only for a little while before we decided to leave for a coffee shop. We had left and gone to a shop that Briana has been going to since she has moved down to the Springs for college. The shop is call Jives and it is the cutes hipster coffee shop that I have seen. I finally cut loose and was having such a great time. I was just being crazy, and Peter and I went from facebook friends to face to face friends. It was a very nice time with family and friends, but with midnight arriving soon we had to put an end to the evening. Desiree and I had to get some sleep to wake up at 5am the following morning for the balloons.
There we were stumbling out of bed trying not to fall asleep while we were swaying back and forth to brush our teeth. Breakfast, getting dressed, eating cereal, and packing was all that went on while we were still trying to keep our eyes open. We drove down to the park where the balloons were set up. When we arrived I was shocked that the balloons were not set up. I guess we had to get there early to get a good parking space. The balloons did not start setting up until an hour later. It was really cold for the first hour and a half.
It was so awesome to see these balloons in front of my face. They were a lot bigger that I ever thought that they would be. Also their baskets are a lot smaller than I though that they would be. You could fit 2 people comfortable, and maybe 5 squished with a little as the fifth. I wanted to ride in one so bad. I thought that it would be one of the best things to experience being above the world, and escaping the caose of this crazy place. The peaceful thought intrigues me so much. I am willing to pay the money and ride in one of these balloons before I leave this world. Just think of yourself in a balloon floating, and traveling only by the soft swishing of the breeze. You can feel it gentle on your face. There is no other sound, and you are looking at all that God created. Do you feel it? The peace? Sign me up.
Josh, Kristen, Copland, and Riker met up with us, and we hug out with them for a while before we headed out. It was a good experience. I am glad that we went.

T'was a great night! I will remember it always.